

“I’ve enjoyed working closely with Bill Noble for nearly two decades on a variety of garden interventions and planning efforts, so I’ve seen him in action first-hand moving gardens and their organizations forward in thoughtful ways. I’ve always been impressed with Bill’s ability to quickly grasp the challenges at hand, then outline and facilitate realistic recommendations and a sound course of actions to implement.  Bill’s recommendations are grounded in his love of plants as a true plantsman, his detailed knowledge of gardens and garden operations as an experienced manager, and they are visionary as a result of his broad experience of knowing what is possible. His perspective, combined with his intellect, communication skills, and people skills, makes him an unusual individual in the realm of public horticulture and a powerful advocate, asset and ally for gardens of all kinds and sizes.”

Claire Sawyers, Director of the Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College

“Bill Noble is that rare combination of someone with a sensitive poetic eye and the brains and organizational skills to bring the poetry to life in concrete expression. Not only is he one of the most knowledgeable plantsmen I have ever met but he knows how to deploy the plants to create beautiful effects in a garden. I will always be grateful for his generous advice and counsel.”

George Schoellkopf, Hollister House Garden

“Bill Noble has an extraordinary eye for garden settings and their plantings. He understands a garden’s architectural structure and its broader plan as well and its immediate environment. He sees the essence of a place and its possibilities. And he is attuned to its history and preservation, when that is appropriate. Bill is also practical, frugal, and fully aware of management matters.  But most of all his talent and deep knowledge of plants enables him to create original, beautiful and lasting gardens.”

Charles A. Platt, FAIA, NA

“Bill Noble is an extraordinarily talented man with interests and knowledge rarely seen in one individual.  His understanding of plants and his acute instinct for how they grow to create a garden over time, combined with good taste and personal integrity make him a first class designer.  His appreciation for the land, its past, present and future, contributes to his value for those who wish to enhance and protect the land entrusted to them.”

Nancy Goodwin, Montrose

“Over the twenty years that I have known and worked with Bill Noble, his grasp of every aspect of public horticulture and horticulture in general, as well as his knowledge of garden design, both academic and applied have gained my respect and admiration.  Whether it is dealing with the organizational or financial problems of a new or struggling public garden or just how to deal with the intricacies of an herbaceous border, he has impressed with thoughtful and practical solutions.”

Marco Stufano, Founding Director of Horticulture, Wave Hill

“On behalf of the Lord and Schryver Conservancy, based in Salem Oregon, I consider it a privilege to make a whole-hearted endorsement of the depth and breadth of skills, talents and quality of services which Bill Noble has shared with us over the past 10+ years.  Bill came to us through the Garden Conservancy in our fledgling years. There is no doubt that our success today is directly a consequence of his sage advice.

Ten years ago I wrote, ‘He has an uncanny ability to predict the point of confluence of reality and dreams coupled with the integrity to be straightforward about potential bumps along the way.  He is very astute about situations and people and a remarkably effective facilitator.  His energy, good humor and dedication create a positive atmosphere which inspires others.’  Today those words still ring true, only more so.

Bill is like one of those tools for which the claims read that it will fix everything.  The only difference is that in this case, it is true coupled with the fact that he is an extraordinary human being!”

Bobbie Dolp, President, Lord & Schryver Conservancy

“In the spring of 2013, Greenwood Gardens made the full and long-anticipated transformation from private estate to public garden. I cannot imagine this accomplishment occurring without the vision, energy and commitment of Bill Noble, who served as Director of Preservation for the Garden Conservancy during Greenwood’s ten-year period of establishment as a nonprofit and during its first phase of restoration. Bill is a fount of knowledge and experience, which he readily shares, but he also very capably draws upon the creativity and the perspective of others. At Greenwood, we have found his longstanding enthusiasm and dedication to the project truly inspirational. As our organization evolves and strengthens over time, I wish that we could always have a Bill Noble in the wings.”

Peter and Sofia Blanchard

I met Bill Noble 10 years ago on Alcatraz, when the island’s historic gardens were a jumble of remnant plants and overgrown terraces. We all shared the vision of restoring the historic landscape, but it was Bill’s persistence, experience and steady hand that moved the project from the first plans and studies through multiple phases of restoration. We could not have navigated this without his well-timed advice on every aspect of the project—from staffing, management, budgeting, and priorities, to design, planting, and maintenance. Bill is a delight to work with, and I look forward to his advice on stewardship now that millions of visitors experience the restored gardens as part of the Alcatraz story.

Diane Ochi, Project Manager, Parks Conservancy